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Updated: Mar 28, 2023

When I met you it felt like two pieces
of a complicated puzzle
coming together
And I played along to the
game and found
myself winning
Because I feel connected to you
But not as connected
as the Wi-Fi plug I keep telling you
to take out from the wall
“the couch is squashing it!”
And when you kiss
my forehead- you don’t know
you’re kissing my 40 different personalities
one of which adores you
a genuflect is mediocre
she renders herself to you
another one completely despises you
and wishes she met your brother instead
that night at that bar
he has long curly hair, longer than yours
longer than the time
we’ve known each other
which feels like forever
I cannot imagine you not in my forever
You’d play the lead
And I, the beautiful arm candy who
Helps you find your true calling
as a retired bachelor who now writes romance novels
and gets featured in articles called ‘Men Who Write Love’
but writing love has been hard for you
because before you wrote love, you barely spoke love
I didn’t even know what your love language was
I had to guess
like you
had to guess and take a chance
on whether or not you’d come up
to me whilst
I was vomiting out tequila shots
that night at that bar
and ask for my number
that I gave to you after I was done

you asked me why I was teary eyed
and I said ‘I was just vomiting’
but it really was just you

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